I’m Charlene Kingston, the small business person behind the Social Media DIY Workshop.
I’ve been running a small business in Phoenix since 1995, long before I ever dreamed I might one day run a business called the Social Media DIY Workshop.
I Understand Your World
I come to social media as a small business person who wants practical solutions to real business challenges. I understand the small business world. I understand your world.
I get that you are busy. You need quick, no-nonsense advice that empowers you to grow your business and meet your unique challenges.
How I Got Started
Back in early 2008, I decided to check out social media even though none of my friends or business associates were using it. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to find the people using social media in my Phoenix community. What I found surprised me.
Quickly, I started meeting new business people in Phoenix. Amazing new people. After a couple weeks of online conversation, I started attending meet ups where these people were getting together for coffee. Or breakfast. We talked shop. We talked about social media. We talked about our families. We talked about what we loved to do.
In other words, we started to become friends. Business friends.
Catching A Vision
After a few months of this exploration, I had an epiphany. I realized that social media could change everything for my business. I could create better products and provide better services by having conversations with my customers using social media. In fact, I saw how social media could transform my industry.
I had a vision. And my vision became my passion.
Finding Answers
I started researching how businesses were using these tools to get the kinds of amazing results I knew were possible. I wanted to know exactly how this social media magic works. I wanted to uncover the recipes for turning conversations into business results through social media.
One by one, I chased down the answers to my questions. I studied businesses who were having success. I reverse engineered their processes. I compared them. I started seeing patterns. Slowly, a new way to do business unfolded before my eyes through my research, endless questions, and dogged pursuit of practical wisdom.
Sharing What I’ve Learned
The Social Media DIY Workshop launched in January 2010, the product of my vision for what is possible and my discovery of practical strategies that transform business operations.
I believe social media is a major component for your future business success. Stick around and I’ll show you how to harness the power of social media for your business, one strategy, one goal, one project at a time.